June 16, 2020 2 min read 1 Comment

The relationship between men and jewelry is somewhat complicated because of some outdated opinions among people. That’s especially pronounced when it comes to men and necklaces. Hence, necklaces are considered one of the most complex types of jewelry to wear. That's not true if you wear them correctly and with confidence. Here's how any man can look great wearing a necklace.

Men’s style and necklaces

Men don’t wear necklaces in the same manner as women do. Women wear them as a fashion statement, one that represents “costume jewelry." On the other hand, men wear necklaces to complement their style and not to be overwhelming. The idea is not to make it the centerpiece of the outfit, but to look natural and in flow with everything else.

Because of their overall style and personality, their neck jewelry is just one of the many things that speak of their stylishness.

 Chains from INOX Jewelry

Major necklace styles for men


Non-Ornamented and plain men's stainless steel chain can support various looks, from a suit to a white T-shirt. Most chains feature flat loops that are closely spaced. The key here is modesty. They should be worn under the shirt. It is okay if parts of it are visible so that they can send the right statement.


They are as popular as they are versatile. They can be worn outside the shirt and can be decorated with anything from a clay tablet to a shaped jewel. It matters most that the ornament lays comfortable over your breastbone and is not too massive.

Dog Tags:

A military-style dog tag necklace is one of the most popular necklaces for men. They are quite manly and look good on all men. You can even write something personal on the decorative tags. Furthermore, you can replace the classic chain with one that is finer and flashier.

Religious Necklaces:

The idea here is to show your affection and commitment to your religion and system of beliefs. Stars of David, Christian crosses, scapulars, are quite popular. Typically they are worn under the shirt.

Some sects and faiths encourage their people to wear them at all times, whereas most others are neutral in that regard. The key things here are simplicity and modesty. Our jewelry collection will fuel your spirit and allow you to express your beliefs.

Ornamented Chains:

Add some piece of ornament on your necklace; it can be anything. Neck chain for men can be used with ornaments as laminated scrabble tiles, carved wood, rings, pieces of metals, and pretty much anything in between that fits the necklace.

The idea here is to bring some meaning to the chain. The ornament can give the chain a character, a story that waits to be told. It is more than just a piece of jewelry, but a deep, personal statement.

You should wear it as you feel like you should. There are no rules here, just your intuition and sense of style.

 Chains from INOX Jewelry

Whether you are looking for a stylish necklace for your next concert or something iconic to support your religion, you can find it here at INOX JEWELRY.

1 Response

Priya Sharma
Priya Sharma

November 11, 2020

What a unique article this is thank you so much for sharing such amazing information with us, indeed all jewelry lovers should surely check out, will surely share this with my friends and family as well.

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